Silver EcoVadis Medal
At CubeMatch, we strongly believe that sustainable practices are not just a responsibility but also a pathway to success. We are committed not only to embedding ESG at the heart of our business, but also to help our clients drive forward the sustainability agenda.
A few weeks ago, one of our clients asked us to undergo a sustainability assessment. As a result of this, CubeMatch was awarded a Silver EcoVadis Medal for Sustainability, Environment, Ethics and Rights. The assessment process was comprehensive and took several weeks to complete. We have already noticed the positive impact on our business, and we would encourage all firms to consider this as a first step in their sustainability journey.
EcoVadis is the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. They have created a global network of more than 100,000+ rated companies. They review a company’s material sustainability impacts based on documented evidence and each company’s score is based on the 4 key pillars of sustainability: Sustainable Procurement, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Environmental Impact.
Our overall score of 68 out of 100 points awards us a Silver Medal and ranks us among the top 25% of companies assessed by EcoVadis.
Our EcoVadis scorecard provides our clients with a transparent view of our sustainability, ethics and labour practices. This accreditation also acknowledges our CSR and ESG commitment and the many initiatives we engage in throughout the year.

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