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CubeMatch Group Earth Challenge 2023

CubeMatch Group Earth Challenge 2023
10th May 2023

After two successful editions focusing on Wildlife and Marine Conservation, this year's challenge focus was Environment Conservation.

This third CubeMatch Group Staff Challenge supported the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), the world’s leading independent conservation organisation. Their core mission: stopping the destruction of nature, helping it to recover and creating a world where people and nature thrive.

The theme for this challenge was “Invest in our Planet”, a theme designed to persuade businesses, governments and citizens around the world of the need to invest in our planet to improve our environment and give our descendants a better and safer future.

Staff chose actions and goals they wanted to follow for the month to reduce their impact on the environment, and some staff family members even participated in some of the actions:

  • Donating old clothes for up-cycling
  • Planting trees and flowers, growing vegetables and/or culinary herbs
  • Buying eco-friendly products
  • Reducing their water, electricity, and/or car usage
  • Repairing clothes instead of buying new ones
  • Shopping seasonal and local produces
  • Picking up litter while walking/ participating in local clean-up projects
  • Eating less meat and/or fish
  • Actively recycling, composting etc. ...

47 participants joined this initiative, making it our most successful CSR challenge so far:

  • Dublin Team: 23 participants
  • UK Team: 3 participants
  • Benelux Team: 3 participants
  • APAC Team: 18 participants

Thanks to our incredible participants, a donation of €1,175 was gifted to the World Wildlife Fund. Well done to all the participants for their fantastic commitment, this really shows that even “a little goes a long way” and that we can all do our part and contribute to the protection of our environment and our planet!

To learn more about the World Wildlife Fund: